36 results

Calculated as Production (if any) + Imports - Exports

A direct internet link to easily access more ODS related data for Tuvalu on the UNEP Ozone Secretariat website

A direct internet link to easily access more ODS related data for Tuvalu on the UNEP Ozone Secretariat website

Koror and Airai have the highest populations in Palau with more development (roads, residential development and
industry). By comparison, Kayangel and Ngarchelong have small populations and very limited pollution. Loss of fish
catch from terrestrial pollution for Hatohobei and Sonsorol, two states with minimal population and negligible development, is assumed to be zero, and they are not included in the estimates.

general garbage oil spillage metal leakages chemicals

This excel sheet is one of the cheat sheets, a part of the FIA database which you can download and use at this link https://www.fs.fed.us/pnw/rma/fia-topics/inventory-data

Provides a link to all species occurrences in Palau on GBIF.

Most atoll ecosystems and a wide range of terrestrial and marine organisms, and genetic or cultivars varieties of
traditional food and other multi-purpose plants are declining in abundance and under threat of either “economic extinction” or extirpation and in need of some form of protection. The severity of the situation is greatest on those more urbanized atolls where both the biodiversity and the local knowledge of biodiversity are threatened.

*see R Thanman pdf report for more information*

Terrestrial and marine plants and animals that are rare, endangered or in short supply,
and in need of protection in the atolls of the Pacific Islands.

This excel file include four spreadsheets each representing a separate theme (EMG = Environmental Monitoring and Governance, IOE = Island and Ocean Ecosystems, CCR = Climate Change Resilience, WMPC = waste). Within each theme are the core national environment indicators (scrolling from left to right).

 MNRET - Ministry of Natural Resources, Environment & Tourism, Palau

Data on Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) includes information on Palau's forests 2013-2014. The Pacific Northwest Forest Inventory and Analysis (PNW-FIA) program measures and compiles data on plots in coastal Alaska, California, Hawaii, Oregon, Washington, and U.S.- affiliated Pacific Islands. Most data are available in Access databases and can be downloaded by clicking one of the links below. PNW data are combined with data from all states in the U.S. and stored in the national FIADB. Data for any state can be accessed on the national website (see links to national tools below).

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

This paper highlights the seriousness of the “biodiversity crisis” on atolls and the need to place greater research and conservation emphasis on atolls and other small island ecosystems. It is based on studies over the past twenty years conducted in the atolls of Tuvalu, Tokelau, Kiribati, the Marshall Islands and the Tuamotu Archipelago of French Polynesia. It stresses that atolls offer some of the greatest opportunities for integrated studies of simplified small-island ecosystems.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

This list of indicators was developed through the Inform project at SPREP for use by Pacific Islands countries (PICs) to meet their national and international reporting obligations. The indicators are typically adopted by PICs for their State of Environment reports and are intended to be re-used for a range of MEA and SDG reporting targets. The indicators have been designed to be measurable and repeatable so that countries can track key aspect of environmental health over time.

 Pacific Data Hub

A recently published paper, titled “Coastal proximity of populations in 22 Pacific Island Countries and Territories” details the methodology used to undertake the analysis and presents the findings. **Purpose** * This analysis aims to estimate populations settled in coastal areas in 22 Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTS) using the data currently available. In addition to the coastal population estimates, the study compares the results obtained from the use of national population datasets (census) with those derived from the use of global population grids.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

marine material spillage international oceans