The Palau Ocean Bulletin was developed in order to provide information on Palau’s
current and past ocean conditions as well as the current state of the ENSO, sea surface
temperatures, sea level conditions as well as coral bleaching alerts, if any. This is sent
within WSO Palau to be shared and posted on WSO Palau social media page. It is
suggested to be shared within the National Emergency Committee on a monthly basis.
Palau has not produced a definitive list of endangered species although a number of species have been accorded legal protection. All endemics are vulnerable due to their sole residence being a single remote archipelago. This dataset host the available records of red list for Palau as recorded by IUCN.
Palau's National Determined Contribution as means to achieve the Paris Agreement.
A five year strategic plan that entails the work of the Protected Areas Network covering a span of tasks from ridge to reef. The strategic plan is reflected in the work of each PAN state in the workplans produced by state PAN Coordinators or managers that oversee the operations within all PAN sites. Strategies regarding enforcement of marine protected areas and terrestrial PAN sites, state coordinator roles and responsibilities as well as the rangers duties and responsibilities are all incorporated into the plan.
Data submitted to the UN Ozone Secretariat highlighting the trend of ODS consumption (calculated as Production (if any) + imports - exports) in Palau. Ozone Depleting Substances calculated here are HCFCs and Methal Bromide.
The variation in percentage loss for the best estimate between states results from the different levels of land-sourced pollution (solid waste, sedimentation, septic tank leakage and all other unidentified sources), 2003
Verified descriptive and spatial protected area data collected during Palau BIOPAMA mission, February 18-22 2019.
An overview of the national status, gaps, opportunities and focus actions for Palau in line with Aichi Target 11 and 12.
For the Ninth Pacific Islands Conference on Nature Conservation and Protected Areas December 2013, Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) commissioned an assessment of the status of biodiversity and conservation in Oceania. This report assesses the overall state of conservation in Palau using 16 indicators.
*this report wasn't published but was sent to country for checking (2013)* - to be used for the Regional SOE initiative 2019
Location and distribution of MPAs on the east side of Babeldaob. Data obtained from WDPA dataset
Location and distribution of MPAs on the east side of Babeldaob. Data obtained from WDPA dataset
Palau National Energy Policy
Government of the Republic of Palau
August 2010
Palau Energy Office and MPIIC
Funded through SPC and the European Union
The Vision of the draft National Aquaculture Strategy is to: Contribute to achieving sustainable economic development in Palau through environmentally responsible aquaculture. It lays out the rationale for 5 specific objectives. The strategy was produced with assistance from the FAO.
This Palau Environmental Health Action Plan 2004-2007 (NEHAP) directs the provision of environmental health services in Palau through strategic approaches by various partnerships in the community in the following key areas:
▶Environmental Health Administration
▶Community Environmental Health Development
▶Consumer Safety
▶Vector Control & Health Quarantine
▶Emerging Issues
▶Health Education & Promotion
▶Environmental Health Information System
▶Human Resource Development
Palau's roadmap to achieve energy efficiency by 2020
The Goals for the 2005 National Youth Policy are to 1) Empower youth to become productive and contributing members of the community and 2) to Create a System of Access for public services and national resources. The Policy was endorsed by Executive Order 223 (addendum).