WDPA Protected areas
Protected areas of Palau. Data sourced from: IUCN and UNEP-WCMC (2018), The World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA) [On-line], [July 2018]. Cambridge, UK: UNEP-WCMC.
In a world-first initiative, visitors to Palau will be offered exclusive experiences based on how they treat the environment and culture, not by how much they spend.
Mia Kami, a Tongan singer/songwriter based in Suva, Fiji, performs during Plenary Session I of the 7th Our Ocean Conference in Koror, Palau. #OurOcean
The seventh Our Ocean Conference concluded in Palau with 410 commitments worth $16.35 billion. The conference – co-hosted by the Republic of Palau and the United States – was the first to be held in a small island developing state. Titled “Our Ocean, Our Peopl